Use "widening self-rule|widening self rule" in a sentence

1. 2 synonyms for Broadening: widening, widening

2. He thereby joined their experiment in self-rule.

3. Algerian self-rule ended with French conquest in 1830

4. Synonyms for Autonomies include independences, sovereignties, freedoms, self-rule, independencies, liberties, autarchies, individualisms, rangatiratanga and self

5. He led an all-party delegation to re-negotiate in talks for self-rule, eventually reaching an agreement with the British for a new constitution granting internal self-rule in 1959.

6. Literacy and numeracy , including widening vocabulary .

7. Turning and turning in the widening gyre.

8. 1900 – The United States Congress passes the Foraker Act, giving Puerto Rico limited self-rule.

9. • A widening fiscal deficit, however, presents growing macro challenges.

10. This, in effect, brought to an end three thousand years of self-rule in Mesopotamia.

11. The ideals of liberty and self - determination , equality and the rule of law have haltingly advanced.

12. First recorded in 1655–65, Autarchy is from the Greek word autarchía self-rule.

13. In essence, the rule of increasing marginal revenue and the knowledge self - accumulation is the actual reason.

14. 11 Jehovah knew from the beginning that mankind’s independence, or self-rule, would result in much suffering.

15. But in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, self-rule is a new force still being tested.

16. However, losses in the parent group, Sea are also widening.

17. Autocracy 1650s, "independent power, self-sustained power, self-government" (obsolete), from French Autocratie, from Latinized form of Greek autokrateia "absolute rule, rule by oneself," abstract noun from autokrates "ruling by oneself," from autos "self" (see auto-) + kratia "rule" (see -cracy).Meaning "absolute government, unlimited political power invested in a single person" is recorded

18. • widening of poverty gap or access to affordable food

19. Palestine and Israel have already signed a declaration in principle of Palestine self-rule in Washington in 19

20. Autocracy (n.) 1650s, "independent power, self-sustained power, self-government" (obsolete), from French Autocratie, from Latinized form of Greek autokrateia "absolute rule, rule by oneself," abstract noun from autokrates "ruling by oneself," from autos "self" (see auto-) + kratia "rule" (see -cracy).Meaning "absolute government, unlimited political power invested in a single person" is

21. Bronchiectasis is an abnormal widening of one or more airways

22. Autonomy (ôtŏn`əmē) [Gr.,=self-rule], in a political sense, limited self-government, short of independence, of a political state or, more frequently, of a subdivision

23. He considered unity and duality to be gods which rule the universe, and the soul a self-moving number.

24. B. R. Ambedkar championed the cause of the disadvantaged sections of Indian society within the larger self-rule movement.

25. Algebraic statistics is a new field whose scope is still widening.

26. In 1946, Cambodia was granted self-rule within the French Union and had its protectorate status abolished in 1949.

27. Bradykinin is a protein that lowers blood pressure by widening blood vessels

28. Long-mothballed projects like widening the Suez Canal are being dusted off.

29. Cloture rule synonyms, Cloture rule pronunciation, Cloture rule translation, English dictionary definition of Cloture rule

30. Yet somehow the delusion has taken hold that a commitment to democratic self-rule means coaxing apathetic numbskulls into voting.

31. Widening access and participation is a key overall objective for the Assembly.

32. Pasty insert material for widening the gingival sulcus and use thereof

33. Sandy stared at me, his eyes widening behind his rimless glasses.

34. As the moral education of communists, Deng Xiaoping emphasizes on theory education, moral exemplification, and coordination between self-rule and heteronomous measures.

35. The critical space for India to play an increasingly pro-active role is widening.

36. 19 The foregoing underscores the ever-widening gulf that separates Jehovah’s people from Satan’s world.

37. Vietnam’s growth was accompanied by low inflation and widening current account surplus.

38. The rule she violated is a dumb rule.

39. Through their work, the fruits of biblical scholarship were disseminated to an ever-widening audience.

40. Cracy: Rule Pluto + Cracy= Government/rule of the wealthy

41. Greg Browses Rule 34 - (Page 28) Rule 34 LLB

42. We might imagine the young woman’s eyes widening as her mother-in-law spoke.

43. They must also reimburse the company for any widening and road improvement carried out.

44. Congress enacted the District of Columbia Self-Rule and Governmental Reorganization Act on December 24, 1973, providing for an elected mayor and city council.

45. Under the guidance of this principle, Palestine and Israel have already signed a declaration in principle of Palestine self-rule in Washington in 19

46. Greg Browses Rule 34 - (Page 30) Rule 34 LLB

47. Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 No value for current date will cause any interruption in operation.

48. Caught in the torch beam were a pair of eyes, glittering ebony pupils widening in shock.

49. Ace switched on the spacewalk jets and launched herself through the widening yawn of the doors.

50. By the end of World War I, however, she faced a widening split with her radical allies.

51. 6 Self-thinning rule, catastrophic weather,( insect irruption and human disturbances directly influenced the death dynamics of the plant individuals in the permanent plot.

52. There is a simple rule here, a rule of legislation, a rule of business, a rule of life: beyond a certain point, Complexity is fraud

53. Novel pasty masses used as insert material for widening the gingival sulcus are described.

54. Self-respect and Self-strengthening and Self-pride and Self-transcendence .

55. Restriction on Miranda rule does not mean negation to the rule.

56. Bougainville students studying in Port Moresby and Australia brought back heady ideas of self-rule, for the whole of Papua New Guinea was moving towards independence

57. Thus, he uses his own suffering as a doorway to widening his circle of compassion.

58. But such displays of defiance belie a widening sense of despair among Mr Ahmadinejad's opponents.

59. The crudest fragments, totalling around 000 tonnes, have been used in widening the Berlin autobahn.

60. The literal rule is a rule against using intelligence in understanding language.

61. Computed tomography scanning is a very accurate technique for detecting widening of the collecting system (Fig

62. However, because nonspecific duct widening is common it might be also coincidental finding in many processes.

63. What is Antipathetic Rule? Definition of Antipathetic Rule: An Antipathetic rule represents an adjustment to achieve a certain goal or objective

64. Autonomy: 1 n immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence Synonyms: liberty Types: show 4 types hide 4 types self-determination , self-government , self-rule government of a political unit by its own people sovereignty government free from external control local option freedom of a local government to determine

65. Self do, self have.

66. The Golden Rule

67. 12 synonyms for Automated: automatic, mechanical, robot, mechanized, push-button, self-regulating, self-propelling, self-activating, self-moving, self-acting

68. …Ventricular Bigeminy is present when a premature ventricular complex follows every sinus beat Ventricular Bigeminy may become self-perpetuating, a situation known as the rule of Bigeminy.

69. Self-Absorbedly synonyms, self-Absorbedly pronunciation, self-Absorbedly translation, English dictionary definition of self-Absorbedly

70. Typically, Bronchiectasis causes widening of medium-sized airways, but often smaller airways become scarred and destroyed.

71. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion."

72. 13 The letter provided further evidence of the widening schism between the church and Downing Street.

73. Europe of and by the people, a Europe, an experiment in deepening and widening democracy beyond borders.

74. Independent Rule to End

75. You rule out confiscation.

76. That is the rule!

77. Condé will never rule.

78. Accumulative rule of origin.

79. self-Assertingly synonyms, self-Assertingly pronunciation, self-Assertingly translation, English dictionary definition of self-Assertingly

80. Self-Aggrandizing synonyms, self-Aggrandizing pronunciation, self-Aggrandizing translation, English dictionary definition of self-Aggrandizing